Zen Guitar
by Philip Toshio Sudo |
the ancient wisdom of the East, apply it to the most popular
instrument in the West, and what you get is ZEN GUITAR (Simon & Schuster,
Fireside) -- a series of life lessons written through the
metaphor of music. Drawing on the teachings from the zen
arts of Asia, accomplished guitarist Philip Sudo has written ZEN
GUITAR for music-lovers of all levels, from toe-tappers
to working professionals. Readers won't just learn how to
play guitar, they will learn how to live life through music.
Each of us carries a song inside -- the song that makes us
human. We're all born with this song, but so many of us don't
know how to unlock it. As Bernie Siegel, acclaimed author of Love,
Medicine, and Miracles, praises, "ZEN GUITAR is
filled with beautiful metaphors to help us sing and play our
song of songs -- life."
While other books have shown the
applicability of zen to endeavors such as karate, archery,
and flower arranging, ZEN GUITAR is the first
of its kind to introduce zen philosophy through music. Making
no mention of scales or notes or music theory, it's written
so that anyone, even those knowing nothing about music, can
learn to identify the zen spirit in a song and see how it carries
over to all walks of life, from the classroom to business to
sports to childrearing and the home. "A simple and clear
step inside the process of making music, ZEN GUITAR is
for anyone who is willing to be in a creative mind," states
Pat Irwin, guitar player for the B-52's.
Having lived in Japan for 12 years, dabbled in the martial
arts as a child and then trained under a martial arts master
later in life, Sudo welcomes his readers as though they were
entering a Japanese dojo or martial arts school. As
students of the dojo, Sudo takes them through a journey from
white belt to black belt and beyond. Similar to the discipline
needed to excel in the martial arts, Sudo believes "that
learning to play guitar is inseparable from learning to harmonize
body, mind, and spirit...To truly play from your soul, you
must have all aspects of yourself working together as one."
Each chapter contains a series
of lessons appropriate to particular belt level and each lesson
is prefaced by a quote from a famous musician, spanning from
Eric Clapton to Andre Segovia, that pertains to the teaching
at hand. In addition, many of the lessons bring in terms from
the Japanese language to help readers understand the nuances
of zen.
After reading ZEN GUITAR, readers will come
away with a new and contemplative outlook on life, spiritual
fulfillment and a yearning for harmonious living. As Deng Ming
Dao, author of 365 TAO, praises, "Philip Sudo provides
an obvious grounding in tradition with a fresh and original
purchase book here
by Philip Toshio Sudo
Published by Simon & Schuster
Publication Date: February 11, 1997
Price: $20.00
ISBN: 0-684-83090-6